Suitable templates for image recognition #
Here are some characteristics of images that can and cannot be used as template images.
Unique images are suitable for templates.
(e.g. text, icons, logos that only appear in certain situations (e.g. course results)) -
An object that expands, contracts, or rotates irregularly is not suitable for the template.
(Even in regular cases, if there are only a few frames of the same image as the template, it may not be possible to make a proper judgment.)
If that is the only place you are likely to use the scene, consider using the monitoring method: AKAZE. -
Featureless images are not suitable for templates.
For example, a single blue screen, a single black screen, etc., will be recognized as the same image. If you want to use such a scene as a template, you can use another method (RGB comparison).
Thus, the situations where image recognition can be used are limited.Before you put this software into full operation, you need to think and try to see if you can perform image recognition on the game you want to split automatically.