
Filter #

You can set what to do with pre-processing of captured video. This is effective when the following monitoring methods are used.

  • Template matching

Grayscale #

Make the video grayscale. Grayscale can be expected to improve processing speed and reduce CPU load.

If you use a monitoring method that directly uses RGB values, don’t use it because it won’t be possible to monitor accurately.


Canny/Binarization #

Edge/Binarize video.

Thia process can reduce the possibility of misrecognition.


Thr.1 / Thr.2 #

The minimum and maximum hysteresis threshold values. This parameter is used to determine whether the edge obtained by the preprocessing in Canny is a real edge. The larger the value, the more severe the edge judgment and the number of detail edges is reduced.  

L2 #

L1 is high speed.
L2 is high precision.

In details, please see Canny - OpenCV documentation


Blocksize #

The size of the neighborhood area used for threshold calculation when performing “Adaptive threshold” processing. Specify an odd number greater than 1.


Parameter #

A constant subtracted from the calculated threshold.