
Other #

Preview extra setting #

Interval #

Interval of video displayed on the Create template image window.

Replay size[1-1000] #

Specified number of images to hold for replay on Create template image window.

By increasing Interval and Replay size, video can be retained for a longer time.

If you want to take a severe scene, reducing the interval increases the chance that the desired image will remain.


Resize method #

Specify the resize method when resizing the captured video.  

Precheck before LiveSplit’s control #

When this check is enabled, the startup check, the current LiveSplit status, and the current Segment are acquired before sending a signal such as Split to LiveSplit, and it is confirmed whether the signal was sent successfully.

If this check is disabled, the time between image matching and LiveSplit recognizing the signal will be reduced by approximately 0.03 seconds.