
Graph #

This item relates to the record of success rate for each section. The “G.C.”, “G.R.” and “G.V.” columns of the table are relevant to this item.

First split after starting measurement #

Please specify what number in the table the first split after starting the measurement. Affects the count of trials and the number of successes added to LiveSplit.


Clear count #

Clear the number of trials and resets.


Clear Table #

Clear the success count and success rate recorded in the table.


Clear LiveSplit’s count #

Initialize the LiveSplit Segment name.
(If Add count to LiveSplit Segment name is checked, the number of successes will be added to the LiveSplit Segment name.)  

About the number of arrivals in each section #

If you check Add count to LiveSplit's Segment name, [count] will be added to the end of Segment name.

In addition, there is a window that simply visualizes the number of arrivals and the arrival rate ([Tool] -> [Open Graph]).